Happy Birthday Cathrin!


Am I old now? Now yesterday the horrid 30 sneaked into my life. Somehow this was not to be prevented. However, I always think that birthdays are overvalued. Because the age on your ID card does not necessarily mean anything. In the old-fashioned saying “One is only as old as one feels” there is a lot of truth. I never felt my age and sometimes I did not behave according to my age. In many respects, however, I am justified in asserting that I have become more sovereign and tougher with age. I am satisfied just the way everything is right now, even if things have developed quite differently than planned in terms of carrer and work. Does that mean now, at 30 I’ve arrived where I wanted to be? No! There is certainly more … In this sense, therefore, a big thank you to all who congratulated me yesterday in all the different ways. Cathrin’s Facebook 04-23-2017