Vietnam’s peoples: an overview


In 2009, a census was held in Vietnam. All more than 22 million households in the country were interviewed, among others also for education and the housing situation. The result is a thick book with nearly 900 pages of statistics, tables and figures, sorted by provinces and districts, cities and municipalities. So for example the book shows that at the time of counting four foreigners lived in the Thai Binh province, two men and two women, one of them in the city and three in the country. So I could actually make out of the results of the census a lot of blog posts, but I fear that the interest won’t be too big. Therefore, at the beginning of my series on the nations of Vietnam there are only the latest figures on the number of members of national minorities. The date was april 1st 2009. For comparison I have given the official figures of the 1999 census in parentheses. Best regards Cathrin Inhabitants of the country: 85.846.997, of them Kinh (Vietnamese): 73.594.427 (65.795.718) Tày: 1.626.392 (1.477.514) Thái: 1.550.423 (1.328.725) Mường: 1.268.963 (1.137.515) Khmer: 1.260.640 (1.055.174) Hoa: 823.071 (862.371) Nùng: 968.800 (856.412) HMông: 1.068.189 (787.604) Dao: 751.067 (620.538) Gia Rai: 411.275 (317.557) Ê Đê: 331.194 (270.348) Ba Na: 227.716 (174.456) Sán Chay: 169.410 (147.315) Chăm: 161.729 (132.873) Cơ Ho: 166.112 (128.723) Xơ Đăng: 169.501 (127.148) Sán Dìu: 146.821 (126.237) Hrê: 127.420 (113.111) Ra Glay: 122.245 (96.931) Mnông: 102.741 (92.451) Thổ: 74.458 (68.394) Xtiêng: 85.436 (66.788) Khơ Mú: 72.929 (56.542) Bru – Vân Kiều: 74.506 (55.559) Cơ Tu: 61.588 (50.458) Giáy: 58.617 (49.098) Tà Ôi: 43.886 (34.960) Mạ: 41.405 (33.338) Giẻ – Triêng: 50.962 (30.243) Co: 33.817 (22.766) Chơ Ro: 26.855 (22.567) Xinh Mun: 23.278 (18.018) Hà Nhì: 21.725 (17.535) Chu Ru: 19.314 (14.978) Lào: 14.928 (11.611) La Chí: 13.158 (10.765) Kháng: 13.840 (10.272) Phù Lá: 10.944 (9.046) La Hủ: 9.651 (6.874) La Ha: 8.177 (5.686) Pà Thẻn: 6.811 (5.569) Lự: 5.601 (4.964) Ngái: 1.035 (4.841) Chứt: 6.022 (3.829) Lô Lô: 4.541 (3.307) Mảng: 3.700 (2.663) Cơ Lao: 2.636 (1.865) Bố Y: 2.273 (1.864) Cống: 2.029 (1.676) Si La: 709 (840) Pu Péo: 687 (705) Rơ Măm: 436 (352) Brâu 397: (313) Ơ Đu: 376 (301) Cathrin’s Blog: Mein Leben in Vietnam und drumherum